Maggie O'Neill (2022)
Stones, R (2007) [Ed]Key Sociological Thinkers London: Macmillan and New York University Press.

Pace, Space and Wellbeing:containing anxiety in the University
Maggie O'Neill (2021)
Filip Vostal (Editor) Inquiring into Academic Timescapes. Emerald

Researching Marginalisation with mixed methods
Maggie O'Neill (2020)

Rights, Recognition and Resistance: analysing legal challenges, sex workers rights and citizenship
Maggie O'Neill and Mary Laing (2019)

Women, Art, Migration and Diaspora
Maggie O'Neill (2019)
Handbook of Art and Global Migration edited by Edited by: Burcu Dogramaci and Birgit Mersmann

Migration, memory and place: walking as a convivial methodology in participatory research. A visual essay
Maggie O'Neill, Bea Giaquinto and Fahira Hasedic (2019)

Rights, Recognition and Resistance: analysing legal challenges, sex workers rights and citizenship
Maggie ONeill and Mary Laing (2018)

Sex Work, Censure and Transgression
Maggie O'Neill (2018)
Tony Amatrudo, [Ed] Social Censure and Critical Criminology: After Sumner. London:Palgrave.

Researching Marginalisation with mixed methods
Maggie O'Neill (2017)

Asylum Seekers and Moving Images: walking, sensorial encounters and visual criminolog
Maggie O'Neill (2017)
Visual Criminology Edited by Emaonn Carrabine and Michelle Brown

Biographical Research: Methods of Cultural Sociology
Maggie O'Neill (2016)
Cultural Sociology Edited by Stephan Moebius, Frithjof Nungesser, Katharina Scherke, VS-Verlag

Diasporic Futures edited by Marsha Meskimmon and Dorothy Rowe
Maggie O'Neill (2015)

Body and Image-Space: walking, transition and belonging
Maggie O'Neill (2015)

Walking biographies and innovations in visual and participatory methods: Community, Politics and Resistance in Downtown East Side Vancouver
Maggie O'Neill and Philip Stenning (2014)
The Medialization of Auto/Biographies:Different Forms and their Communicative Contexts co-edited by Heinz,C. and Hornung, G. Hamburg:UVK

Crossing Borders: Transition and Nostalgia in Contemporary Art Edited by Dr Ming Turner and Dr Outi Remes
Maggie O'Neill (2014)
Taipei: Artouch Publications
SECTION: Body and Image-Space: walking, transition and belonging.

The Medialization of Auto/Biographies: Different Forms and their Communicative Contexts co-edited by Heinz,C and Hornung, G
O'Neill, M. and Stenning, P (2013)
Hamburg: UVH
SECTION: Walking biographies and innovations in visual and participatory methods: Community, Politics and Resistance in Downtown East Side Vancouver.

Women, Art, Migration and Diaspora: the turn to art in the social sciences and the ‘new’ sociology of art?
Maggie O'Neill (2013)
Marsha Meskimmon and Dorothy Price, editors, Diasporic Futures, Manchester University Press

Making Connections: art, affect and emotional agency
Maggie O'Neill (2012)

Ethnomimesis and participatory art
Maggie O'Neill (2012)
Sarah Pink (Editor) Advances in Visual Methods London: Sage

Desistence from Sex Work: Feminist Cultural Criminology and Intersectionality: The Complexities of Moving in and Out of Sex Work
Maggie O'Neill (2010)

Sex work, communities and public policy in the UK
Maggie O'Neill (2010)
Sex Work Matters: beyond divides [eds] Ditmore, M., Navarro,A and Levi,A. London: Zed Books

Community Safety, Rights, Redistribution and Recognition: towards a Coordinated Prostitution Strategy?
Maggie O'Neill (2009)

Sex, violence and work services to sex workers and public policy reform
Maggie O'Neill (2008)
Letherby,G.Birch,P. Cain,M and Williams,K.[eds]. Sex and Crime Devon: Willan Press.

Legal Incursions into Supply/ Demand, Criminalising & Responsibilising the Buyers and Sellers of Sex'
Jane Scoular and Maggie O'Neill (2008)

Prostitution and Communities
Maggie O'Neill and Rosie Campbell (2007)
Sex Work Now Campbell and O’Neill [eds] Willan.

The Contribution of Qualitative Research to Policy Development Street Sex Work in Local Neighbourhoods
Pitcher,J. Campbell,R. Hubbard P. O'Neill, M. & Scoular,J, (2007)
Qualitative Urban Analysis (2007) edited by Paul Magin Elsevier Press.

Prostitution, gentrification, and the limits of neighbourhood space
Hubbard,P, Campbell,R. O’Neill,M. Pitcher,J. and Scoular,J. (2007)
Atkinson,R.and Helms, G [eds] (2007) Securing an urban renaissance: Crime, community, and British urban policy Bristol: Policy Press.

Ethno-mimesis, feminist praxis and the visual turn
Maggie O'Neill (2007)
Cultural Sociology [ed] Tim Edwards. London: Sage Press.

Re-imagining Diaspora through ethno-mimesis: humiliation, human dignity and belonging
Maggie O'Neill (2007)
Bailey,O., Georgiou,M and Harindranath,R [eds] (2007) Reimagining Diasporas: Transnational Lives and the Media London: Palgrave/Amazon

Global Refugees: Citizenship, Power and the Law
Maggie O'Neill (2004)

Red Lights and Safety Zones
Maggie O'Neill, Rosie Campbell and community researchers (2004)
City of Quarters. Urban Villages in the Contemporary City [ed] David Bell and Mark Jayne (2004) London: Ashgate Press

Global Refugees: forced migration, diaspora, and belonging
Maggie O'Neill (2004)
Narrative and Memory [eds] (2004) Roberts, B, Robinson, D The narrative and memory research group: Huddersfield University.

Crime, culture and visual methodologies: ethno-mimesis as performative praxis
Maggie O'Neill (2004)

Prostitution, Ethno-mimesis and Participatory Arts: processes and Practices of Inclusion’
Maggie O'Neill (2002)
Swift, J, Swift, J and Davies, T [eds] (2001) Disciplines, Fields and Change in Art education: Art Therapy, Psychology and Sociology Birmingham: University of Central England.

Maggie O'Neill (2002)
Key Contemporary Social Theorists [eds] Elliott, A and Ray, L. Oxford, Blackwell.

Global Refugees: ethno-mimesis as performative praxis
Maggie O'Neill (2002)
Miles, M, [ed] Divers (c ) ities:recoveries and reclamations. Exeter University.

Love for Sale: the politics of prostitution in Stoke-on-Trent
Maggie O'Neill (2000)
Edensor, T [ed] Re-Imagining the Potteries, Staffordshire University Press.

Victimization and the Social Organization of Prostitution in England and Spain
Maggie O'Neill (1999)
Weitzer, R [ed] International Perspectives on Prostitution London and New York, Routledge.

Prostitute Women Now
Maggie O'Neill (1997)
Scambler and Scambler [eds] Rethinking Prostitution: Purchasing Sex in Britain in the 1990's London, Routledge Press. pp3-29.

Young People and Prostitution from a Youth Service Perspective
Green, J. O’Neill, M. and Mulroy, S. (1997)
David Barrett [eds] Child Prostitution in Britain London, The Children's Society. 1997 pp 90-105.

Saloon Girls: death and desire in the American West
Maggie O'Neill (1997)
Holliday and Hassard [eds] Film and Organization London, Sage. pp117-130

Can Commissioned Research Be Feminist and Can Conflicting Interests Be Serve
Celia Jenkins, Maggie O'Neill and Ruth Swirsky (1996)
Lydegate, M, A et al [eds] Desperately Seeking Sisterhood London, Macmillan 1996.

Prostitution and Violence
Maggie O'Neill (1995)
Lupton and Gillespie [eds] Women and Violence: dilemma's for a feminist practice . London, Macmillan Press. pp113-134

Prostitution and the State: towards a feminist practice
Maggie O'Neill (1995)
Lupton and Gillespie [eds] Women and Violence: dilemma's for a feminist practice . London, Macmillan Press. pp113-134